immigration lawyers

How to Renew Your Green Card

Jul 28, 2015

How to Renew Your Green Card

July 28, 2015

If you are a Lawful Permanent Resident of the United States, it may come as a surprise to you that you will need to renew your green card every 10 years. As a Miami immigration lawyer, I always warn my clients of this fact. An expired green card is of little use to you. Below are some frequently asked questions.

How to do I renew my green card?
If you are a permanent resident whose 10-year green card has expired or will expire within the next 6 months, you may begin the renewal process by:

If you have any questions as to the process, please be sure to speak with a Miami immigration lawyer.

I am outside the U.S. – how do I renew my green card?
If you are outside the United States and your green card will expire within 6 months (but you will return within 1 year of your departure from the United States and before the card expires), you should file for your renewal card as soon as you return to the United States.

If you are outside of the United States when the card expires and you have not applied for the renewal card prior to your departure, you should contact the nearest U.S. Consulate,USCIS office, or U.S. port of entry before attempting to file Form I-90 for a renewal green card.

Again, if you have any questions, you should contact your Miami immigration lawyer for further information.

When should I renew my green card?
You should renew your green card if you are a permanent resident with a Form I-551 valid for 10 years and the card is either expired or will expire within the next 6 months.

Note: If you are a conditional resident and your status is expiring, these instructions do not apply to you. In that case, you must apply to remove the conditions on your permanent resident status. For more information on this, it is best to speak with Miami immigration lawyer.

My application to renew my green card was denied. What now?
If your application for renewing your green card is denied, you will receive a letter that will tell you why the application was denied. You will not be allowed to appeal a negative decision. However, you may submit a motion to reopen or a motion to reconsider with the same office that made the unfavorable decision. By filing such a motion, you may ask the USCIS office to reexamine or reconsider its decision.

A motion to reopen must state the new facts that you would provide if your case is reopened and must include appropriate documentary evidence. A motion to reconsider must establish that the decision to deny your application was based on incorrect application of law or immigration policy, and further establish that the decision was incorrect based on the evidence in the file at the time the decision was made. As motions to reopen can oftentimes be complicated, I would strongly suggest that you do not attempt to file a motion to reopen without first consulting with your Miami immigration lawyer.

Versions of Green Card That Are No Longer Valid
If you have a previous version of the alien registration card (e.g., USCIS Form AR-3, Form AR-103 or Form I-151), you must replace it with a current green card.

If you would like more information on the green card renewal process, please contact Miami immigration lawyer Michael G. Murray, Esq. at (305) 895-2500 or visit our website at

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